About Us
VCCSL designs, develops and undertakes projects that are capable of generating carbon revenues to improve livelihoods of rural communities by working closely with international agencies, governments, industry, research institutions, funding agencies and NGO partners to bring consolidated benefits to the poor who are hit hardest by climate change.
- The only organization in India to have delivered carbon revenue from the sale of carbon credits to the farmers twice under CDM A/R large scale project
- Created as an institutional delivery mechanism as per the advice of the World Bank to build Indian capacity in implementing climate change mitigation and adaptation projects
- Responsible for delivery of carbon credits to enterprises and carbon revenue to the farmers
- Provides support and hand-holding to farmers up to receipt of Carbon Emission Reductions (CERs)/ Voluntary Emission Reductions (VERs)/ Carbon Removal Units (CRUs)
- Focuses mainly on rural and allied sectors to benefit from CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) and voluntary market mechanisms
- Committed to linking rural communities to the global mechanisms for sustainable development
- Domain knowledge in sectors like forestry, agriculture, coastal management, agroforestry, horticulture, bio-energy, biofuels, etc
- Experts in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Human Resources, Social Change Management, Community development, and Environment
- Strong tie-ups with international institutions, experts, consulting organizations, NGOs, companies, etc
Advisory and Consulting services offered
Pre Development stage services
- Need analysis
- Additionality assessment
- Reference area determination
- Baseline Establishment
- ESG assessment
- Leakage area determination
- Deforestation/degradation estimation
- Methodology selection
- Risk assessment
- Carbon modelling
Development stage services
- Budgeting
- Stakeholder consultation
- Land use change management
- Capacity Building
- Carbon accounting
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Documentation and dissemination
Our Team Members
VCCSL is headed by Board of Directors with experts and eminent persons in various fields. The President, Dr. Satyanarayana co-ordinates all the activities and is assisted by professional staff and consultants.

Dr Satyanarayana Masabathula

Dr Satyanarayana Masabathula

Sai Kishore Nellore
Executive Director

Sai Kishore Nellore
Executive Director

Dr. M Surya Prakash

Dr. M Surya Prakash

Dr Kiranmayi Raparthi

Dr Kiranmayi Raparthi

Suresh Babu Cheepuri

Suresh Babu Cheepuri

B Chinnamamba
Statistical Officer

B Chinnamamba
Statistical Officer

G D S Sarvani
Project Manager

G D S Sarvani
Project Manager

Amrutha Sadhana
Project Officer (Agriculture)

Amrutha Sadhana
Project Officer (Agriculture)

Jyothsna Kiran
Project Monitoring Officer (Environmental Sciences)

Jyothsna Kiran
Project Monitoring Officer (Environmental Sciences)
In the NEWS